I was accused of being
Bernie O'Hare today. Frankly, I'm not sure which of us should be insulted.
I've never met Bernie. His reputation, however, has preceded him and I realize he's one of the most polarizing bloggers in the Lehigh Valley. He's done a lot of cruddy stuff in his past, and has been disbarred as an attorney because of it. To Bernie's credit, this is something he's very open about and does not fail to discuss whenever it's brought up on his blog (and believe me, it's brought up often).
After the experience I had with a certain nameless malignant Narcissist bass player, I'm not one to take *anyone* at face value any longer. So, when another blogger posted something that Bernie claimed to be a lie, I checked up on it and found out that it was indeed a lie. So I asked the other blogger about it, and was accused of being Bernie. Unfortunately, I didn't take any screen shots of the postings, because this blogger immediately deleted (A) all my questions about this lie, (B) the request for me to provide identification that I wasn't Bernie and (C) my response to this. Shame on me.
I post on enough blogs and newspaper websites that even a cursory comparison of my writing style should enable even the most feeble reader to realize I am *not* Bernie O'Hare. The other blog I write is about fashionable women from past decades; Bernie may be a lot of things, but I'm pretty sure a fashion maven ain't one of them. If he knows the difference between a Balenciaga and a balaclava, I'll eat my pony-hair leopard-print Coach D'Orsay pumps. If that doesn't do it, then this here very blog in which I whinge continuously about my life should be the deciding factor.
Here's what I look like:
Here's what Bernie O'Hare looks like:
We're not the same person, and accusations that are flung when you've been busted only make Bernie look *good* - and we can't have that now, can we? Other things I'm not are a Bernie-bot or a minion. I make up my *own* mind about issues.