Tuesday, April 27, 2010

...now I know how Roberto Duran felt...

No mas...please - no mas.

In the span of 2 weeks:

1. $800 in repairs to my SUV
2. $400 in repairs to my commuter car
3. close to having to pay $125 for a new key for the commuter car (thankfully - the key was found in the garbage, thanks to my wonderful boyfriend)
4. the new patio umbrella I bought for $50 that I scratched together apparently blew over today and the pole snapped in half jaggedly - so it can't be repaired
5. I have to take time from work tomorrow AM because the grand Commonwealth of PA can't fathom that I honestly *am* the Excutrix/Beneficiary of my late father's will as well as the Trustee of his Trust, which makes me the owner of the old-man Buick I managed to sell for $500. I have provided certified copies of documents attesting to this fact, but no - I have to come in PERSON to the notary to sign some dopey certification that no doubt will be redundant. Of course, said notary is not open late in the evening, nor open on Saturdays, so I will have to come in at 8AM. This is not necessarily a problem, but I have a 90 minute ONE WAY commute to my job in NJ.

Add to this:

A. stress over wrapping up the 6-month probationary period at my new job
B. generalized fear I have about every aspect of my life - whether legitimate or not
C. some wonky health issues

and you have one very panicky Untouched Takeaway

I realize none of this equates to a death or a serious illness, but when you tack it on to what I've been through in the past 6 years, it become a tad over-the-top.

I'm a mess. Even Nick Lowe understands this:

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